
Newton kansan burials
Newton kansan burials

He also served as a consultant with the National Council of Governments in their government operations analysis in the states of North Dakota and Nevada. Subsequently, he served as the Assistant Secretary of the Department of Administration under Governor Robert Bennett. He chaired a task force established by the Governor and reported to the State Legislature with the charge to evaluate the state civil service system and whose results were deemed by the Federal Civil Service Commission to be one of the best in the nation. However, the State of Kansas had a similar opportunity which he accepted. He was selected by the State of Michigan to work on personnel issues for a federal loan program. He served as president of the Montgomery County, Maryland, Society of Personnel Management, the largest chapter of the society having members from Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. He participated in the administrative decisions for the Radiation Control Division and its interface with the Atomic Energy Commission. He had been appointed to the Task Force which originally organized the Environmental Protection Agency and was responsible for screening employees from the many agencies for transfer to the new organization. He then became Director of Administration for the Radiation Control Division in the newly established Environmental Protection Agency. He was appointed a member of Task Force which was responsible for relocating the Food and Drug Administration from Arlington, Virginia, to Rockville, Maryland. He was also the Personnel Advisor to the Chief Engineer of the Public Health Service in this period. Later he was promoted to Deputy Personnel Director of the Bureau of Disease Prevention and Environmental Control, Public Health Service. He was selected as the first Director of Personnel for the Bureau of Radiological Health, Public Health Service, in Washington D.C. The Institute was rated the number one program in General Services Regional Programs. He was responsible for reorganizing programs and methods. When the base closed he transferred to the General Services Administration, Kansas City, Missouri where he was the Assistant Director of the Regional Training Institute.

newton kansan burials

He was also the Civil Service Secretary at the base responsible for recruiting, examining, and hiring civilian employees during his tenure with the Personnel Office. The Education Program at the base, under his direction, improved from forty seventh of forty eight bases in The Strategic Air Command to number one. He was an assistant Base Manpower Officer, an assistant Base Personnel Officer, and Director of Education Services at Schilling Air Force Base, Salina.

newton kansan burials

He was employed by The Kansas Power and Light Company, International Harvester Company, and Continental Oil Company prior to entering the Federal Civil Service. His university fraternities were Alpha Kappa Psi (Business), Alpha Psi Omega (Service), Phi Alpha Kappa (Education), and Phi Alpha Delta (Honorary Public Administration).

newton kansan burials

He earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Kansas. He also earned a Master of Science from Emporia State University and a Master of Arts from the University of Maryland. He later graduated from the University of Kansas with a Bachelor of Science in Business and a Master of Business Administration. Born in Salina, Kansas, he was raised on a farm in the Assaria community, and graduated from the Assaria Grade and High Schools, and later graduated from Brown Mackie Business College with a diploma in Business Administration. He left behind daughters Janet Kay and husband Duane Dodson, Crete, Nebraska, Joy Ann and husband Joe Robb, Newton, Kansas, and Jennifer Jo, Lawrence, Kansas, as well as granddaughters Betsy and Caroline Robb, Newton.

newton kansan burials

He was preceded in death by his wife, Lois Mae (Heimer). C Norman Hanson of Newton and Assaria exited this life and went West June 24, 2013.

Newton kansan burials